What To Expect


New patient Consultation

During your first visit, you and your Chiropractor will go through your full health and lifestyle history to understand your current spine and nerve system function. They will perform an assessment to check the function of your spine and nervous system. This may include postural analysis, range of motion testing, neurological examination, orthopedic testing and x-rays (if required).

X-rays are taken off site and help to assess the spinal curves, joint degeneration and evaluate the disc spacing between each vertebrae.

The first visit to our office typically takes 30 minutes and you are able to be adjusted on your first visit unless we are awaiting further information to confirm your diagnosis.

Your chiropractor will develop a personalized care plan that will start on your following visit to help you reach your health goals as quickly as possible. 


Regular Chiropractic Visits

Your Chiropractor will check and adjust your spine where indicated during these appointments. These appointments are usually 10-15 minutes and the technique used will depend on you and your needs.

These adjustments restore mobility to the affected joints and tissues, thereby alleviating pain and muscle tightness allowing the body to heal.

Progress Visits

This visit is at set intervals throughout your care plan to repeat some of the tests that were performed on your first visit. This allows the chiropractor to assess your spinal function progress. New recommendations may be made to your care plan.

Ready to book your appointment?
Call us on 07-579-0900 or Click the button